Installing Montefiore app on phone:


Please find here the website for installing the Montefiore approved app on your phone:

Please know, prior to installing Mass 360 on your phone:

1. You must download this app from the website, not from the app store.
2. Your phone needs to be charged at least 80% in order for this download to work.
3. This app will track your location.
4. This app has the ability to wipe everything off of your phone.
5. If you lose your phone, this app has the ability to buzz your phone so you can find it.

Alternative: You can use safari to check your web email anytime. 


Connecting to Montesecure:

Now that all Montefiore locations have successfully migrated to the new wireless network called MonteSecure, we would like to start the process of decommissioning the old wireless network, MonteRadius.  MonteSecure will offer you better user experience and more security where Wi-Fi is available.  The process of bringing down MonteRadius will begin at 12:00 AM this Friday November 17th and last 5 hours. 


If you are a Montefiore employee with a Montefiore issued Corporate device or your own device managed by MaaS 360,  there is no action to take.  The connection to MonteSecure will be seamless and no user intervention is required.  


If you are a Montefiore employee bringing in your own device with no MaaS 360 manual intervention is required to connect to the wireless network called MonteBYOD.  Your login ID will be necessary to be routed to a secure connection.  The link below has detailed instructions on how to connect BYOD devices (Bring Your Own Device) to this new wireless network.


BYOD instructional documentation :  http://intranet/websitefiles/mmcintranet25168/body.cfm?ticket1=EDD21A98-5056-900F-0BC31B1EE64C6177&ticket2=EDD21A99-5056-900F-0B92D241EA8EA7E7&id=10228


If you have any questions please contact the service desk at 718-920-4554.